The Hurting People
Jesus intentionally moved among hurting people. He surrounded Himself with
Jesus intentionally moved among hurting people. He surrounded Himself with
Holding another person’s pain is a way of holding that
“In the way of righteousness is life, And in its
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all
We have sadly reduced Christianity to a set of beliefs
He has been called the “rich young ruler”. He counted
Jonah got angry with God because he wanted God to
“When you have done it to the least of these,
Jesus was human too! The Son of God became the
Being totally present for another is a gift of ourselves
Jesus had just answered an inquiry about having eternal life
Good shepherds go looking for lost sheep because they care.
True Christianity is not binding but liberating. Legalism binds. Love
The church is not the place we huddle to name
The religion that disconnects me from a needy world around