There are burdens that we bore one time and then laid them down.  There are burdens that become almost like our companions that we carry all of our lives.  There are new burdens before us that hitherto we have not borne.  Some are personal and we have to bear them alone.  Some are so heavy we must cast them upon the Lord and cry out for His strength.  Some we need the help of fellow Christians to bear. Problems and burdens are the stuff of life. To expect none is to make them twice as heavy when they do come.  Life is not all a summer at the beach or a restful mountain vacation.  Some burdens break our heart; some strain our spiritual muscles.  Some test our patience and perseverance; some leave us bloody and beaten.  It’s just life.

“Bear one another’s burdens (Greek, one you shouldn’t carry alone), and thereby fulfill the law of Christ…For each one will bear his own load (Greek normal individual load) Galatians 6:2, 5 (NASB). “Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you” Psalm 55:22b (NASB).