“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good” (Gen 1:31).  The earth is such a beautiful place in which to live.  We are to enjoy it, tend it, be fed by it, restore it and leave it better than we found it.  We are not to poison the air, the water nor the soil (Rev 11:18).  To have domination over creation without restoration is exploitation.  We have sealed ourselves off from it in our air conditioned space while glaring at our man-made devices.  A right relationship to creation is a part of a right relationship to God.  We do not worship the creation nor the creature, but we fall at the feet of the Creator in gratitude and worship for this great gift.

Father, forgive us for the way we have spoiled Your beautiful creation.  May we mend our ways in repentance.  Forgive us for all that we run by without really seeing.  Forgive us for all we see without offering thanksgiving.