A Borrowed Tomb
Jesus rode a borrowed donkey. He borrowed an upper room
Jesus rode a borrowed donkey. He borrowed an upper room
He was our Messiah King, even on the cross. He
When Jesus’ sordid crucifixion was over, even many in the
Clothing had value. Four soldiers wanted it. Each took one
Hanging on the cross Jesus was engaging the powers of
“Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are
Jesus Christ reveals the humility of God; the One who
The empire is out to teach donkey riders a lesson.
Chariots were the war tanks of the ancient world. Every
Through Christ sinners are becoming grace-shaped masterpieces. You did nothing
Jesus is on a mission of uniting Heaven and earth.
In the song, “Under The Atoning Blood,” there is a
When we have a practice or habit that we are
The death of Jesus was a clash with the empire.
People are more likely to be evangelized by what is