Wordy Prayers
“They suppose they will be heard for their many words”
“They suppose they will be heard for their many words”
Culture is driven by accepted customs. Churches are driven by
If we love, it leads us to action. Love that
We can become involved in a kind of “busyness” that
The One who said, “I am the truth” (Jn 14:6),
Somewhere between our brain and our mouth there should be
The Lord does not always give specific guidance when we
Theology is defined as “words about God”. Anytime we say
Holy Spirit, be the atmosphere in which I move. Be
Love covers a multitude of sins. If love is the
Do not live in fear of being under a curse.
For those who followed him, Jacob left a well from
John deliberately begins his gospel as a parallel to the
The eternal Word was with God and was God. The
Jesus was not preoccupied with self-focus. He was focused on