Lying For God
Several years ago I heard a speaker say, “God does
Several years ago I heard a speaker say, “God does
All things have been created through Messiah, for Messiah, and
Doing works of mercy and justice requires more than our
In our independent mindsets and glorification of individualism, we have
In Philippians 2:5-11 we find the great early church kenosis
Changing context and circumstances in our lives expand how we
He has never let me down, and has often picked
We do not have to split perfectly all the theological
Our need to be right is a barrier to discovering
Turning our lives over to Jesus is a heavy transaction.
Jesus intentionally moved among hurting people. He surrounded Himself with
The other person, the one we do not know, the
The problem with the law is that it cannot save
Our hope is never in any fallible earthly leader.
One of the challenges of life is how we deal