We do not know as much as we think we know.  “We know in part” and “we see in a glass darkly” (1 Corinthian 13:9, 11).  In fact, pride about our knowledge can make us puffed up (1 Corinthians 8:1).  This has and does produce divisions among us.  Knowledge must be expressed through love.  Spiritual knowledge is about grasping the love of God expressed in Christ Jesus.  “Puffed up knowledge” points to the absence of love.  It is ironic than when we leave love out of our “dogmatism”, we beat up a brother with the rod of our “perfect” understandings.  Learn all you can; be humble about it.  Let any knowledge we have give light to each other. Carry your knowledge in the vessel of humility.

“We know that ‘all of us possess knowledge.’ This ‘knowledge’ puffs up, but love builds up. If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if anyone loves God, he is known by God.” 1 Corinthians 8:1b–3 (ESV)