Who am I to veto God’s mercy for myself?  Who am I to question God’s forgiveness of me?  Do I dare put my self in a position of negating His mercy?  Shall I set myself above Him by doubting what He has declared?  Can I not humbly receive it?  Do I dare put myself in the place of God, thinking my decision to not forgive me is better than His decision to forgive me?  Lord Jesus, You have been so merciful to all of mankind, including myself.  I embrace Your forgiveness of me; It is as an expression of my faith in You.  I celebrate that my sins are forgiven and my soul is washed.  Amen!

“I think that if God forgives us we must forgive ourselves. Otherwise, it is almost like setting up ourselves as a higher tribunal than Him.” ~ C.S. Lewis ~

{From the NEW devotional book, “Sonlight for the Soul” by H. Lamar Smith, available on Amazon, or reply to this email for  quantity prices.}