We have shaped Christ like we want Him so that He serves our causes instead of us serving His cause. That makes us “lord”, putting us in the driver’s seat.  It is easy to bow to this “lord” because it is us; it is easy to serve this “lord” because it is serving all the things we want.  It requires no cross bearing, no sacrifice for others, and no realignment of our values to the values of the Kingdom of God.  The only hope is a radical repentance, a turning away from all our self-made “lords” to the Lordship of Christ over all our thoughts and words and actions!  

Dear Jesus, may Your Spirit convict us deeply of our self-shaped constructions of You; may we examine ourselves to see the horrible thing we have done to You and Your cause in the world.  And Lord, save us from a superficial glib repentance that will accomplish nothing.  Amen!

{From the NEW devotional book, “Sonlight for the Soul”, your devotional book for 2023.  Available on Amazon, or contact me by email or private message for discounted quantity prices for gifts.}