The grace of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit Himself, is not merely given to get us ready us for an eternal future; He is given to ready us for living the Christ life today. If, for me, a future life is the sum-total of my goal, then I will miss all that God is wanting to do in my life right now.  He is wanting to make me an instrument of “thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” each day I live.  Today, He is wanting me to love my neighbor as myself.  He is empowering me to be a healing agent, a pointer to Messiah, and a repository of His goodness where I walk and live. 

Spirit, forgive us from grieving You by not appropriating Your grace for daily living.  Widen our hearts and broaden our vision, so that we may be energy channels for You to reach our world now. Amen!