The other person, the one we do not know, the one who is not from our tribe, is a person that the Father loves just as much as He loves us.  “That other person” needs to be treated with respect, kindness and consideration.  We do not need to put labels on them nor place them in categories that excuse us from listening to their opinions.  An “us and them” mentality closes the doors to positive possibilities.  Jesus died for them.  His grace is at work in them.  He loves them.  They are our neighbors.  Every person who enters our lives should feel the hospitality of Jesus coming through us.  

“Be patient with everyone…always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people.” 1 Thessalonians 5:14c-15b (NASB)

(You are reading from the book “Captives Of Love”, by H. Lamar Smith.)