Tears of joy are a precious release.  We need them to balance the tears of sorrow.  You have seen these tears of joy.  A mother holding a new born.  A graduation.  Someone’s sight or hearing restored.  A soldier returned home.  A prayer answered.  A scholarship awarded.  An athletic victory after long years of training.  Good news after a bad prognosis.  A child gets free of drugs.  The lost one is found.  The prodigal falling in the arms of Daddy and Mama.  Feeling God in the beauties of His creation.  A sinner comes to the Savior.  

Father, thank You for sprinkling so many causes for joy in our lives in this world.  Give us hearts full of joy, even in the midst of our sorrows.  We want to be joyous children of Yours as an expression of our worship to You.  Amen!

From “The Master’s Table”, by H. Lamar Smith