The Cosmic Christ
Christ is bigger than we imagine in our small ways
Christ is bigger than we imagine in our small ways
Before Jesus was born Christ was! The Christ was present
I heard Dr. A. B. Mackey, President of Trevecca Nazarene
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to
The energy that created and maintains creation is a witness
Denver, in the “Same Kind of Different as Me”, reminded
Christ is bigger than we imagine in our small ways
We do not own Christ. He does not restrict His
The energy that created and maintains creation is a witness
I heard Dr. A. B. Mackey, President of Trevecca Nazarene
Wise parents do not treat all of their children the
Prevenient grace is at work in all people. This grace
The protestant church has divided itself over predestination and free
Look for goodness in others. Look for the hidden Christ