Beyond Confession
Somehow we feel that if we sin, the only thing
Somehow we feel that if we sin, the only thing
Prayers for cleansing are useless when we continually and knowingly
Jesus taught what the Great Commandment was. "You shall love
The heart’s problem is that it is fixed on self-love
“Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your
To walk by the flesh is to live leaning toward
Let go of the lesser so you can grasp the
The Great Commandment is about loving the Lord with all
Prayer’s breath is praise. Love is its heart. Adoration is
Father, teach me how to discover the One who prays
Look into your heart. Look at its tablet and see
Life has a way through unexpected events and unfolding relationships
Intentionally doing what we know to be holy and what
Right choices shape character. This starts with choosing from deep
Worship should come from our heart and express itself through