God is a complex Being.  He is in a category all by Himself; angels, humans and other heavenly creatures are millions of light years in distance from His magnificence.  He is far grander than we can ever begin to grasp.  God knows the intricate complexities of everything in the universe: everything in the human body, every animal, fish and bird, every particle, cell and atom, all waves and rays, energy, time and matter, and a million other things that should be on this list.  Even so, He is patient with those who oversimplify His Person and His marvelous creation, and who actually do so to preserve their theology, science, politics, religion, and their corner on knowledge, while blinded by their own blissful certainty.  Such persons want no mystery, simply because they can’t control it; they have no god greater than themselves and seem oblivious to their plight.

Father, forgive us when we think we have to explain everything.  May we be among those who sit in silence and awe before You, knowing that a statement could ruin everything.  May we learn how to worship with wonder, praise and speechless adoration!

You are reading from  “Build On The Rock”, by H. Lamar Smith.