Salvation is found in being in solidarity with Christ Jesus.  By incarnation He entered into solidarity with all of humanity.  By baptism we enter into solidarity with Him. Paul’s words, “in Christ” and “in Him” are ways of speaking of this solidarity.  Let’s see if we can think of some ways to bring it closer to home.  By incarnation Jesus wrapped His life with us so that we can wrap our whole life up with Him.  By baptism we wrap ourselves with Him.  Our life gets all wound up with His.  We are crucified with Him.  We are risen with Him.  We sit in Heavenly places with Him.  We intercede with Him.  We come back with Him. He became at-one with us so that we can become at-one with Him. Let your life be so intertwined with His that you approach suffering, temptation, ill treatment, injustice, rejection etc. as He did.  He overcame; in Him we overcome.  You suffer with Him so that you might reign with Him; you died with Him so that you may rise with Him. 

“For in him we live, and move, and have our being.” Acts 17:28a