In Jewish thought the sea represented chaos.  Before the creation act there were turbulent chaotic waters.  The Spirit brooded over the waters of chaos and birthed a good creation.  Because of the violence and wickedness of man the waters of chaos came back in the great flood.  One of the sad things the OT documents is when brother turns on brother and humans turn on humans; this brings chaos.  So Jesus’ teaching strikes at the core of human violence in the Sermon on the Mount; He makes it a thing of the heart.  His followers do not take up violence to bring His Kingdom; they take up Lamb-ness.  Lamb-ness and love are stronger than hate and violence.  We either contribute to order or disorder, logos or chaos.  We are called to reverse chaos, to abandon violence; the Spirit-filled are called as instruments of New Creation.

Father, thank you for sending Your Spirit to recreate good in our lives and in a Your creation.  May we do nothing to contribute to chaos in our world.  Grant that Your Spirit in us would help to bring healing to our fractured world.  Amen!

You are reading “Sonlight for the Soul” by H. Lamar Smith