Advent Glimpses of our Future

We as individuals are as unique as the geometric designs of a snow flake; there are no two alike. Every star is different.  Every planet is distinct.  Our uniqueness testifies to our Creator who knows us individually and each of us has a unique relationship with Him.  We know each other uniquely.  Our relationships with each other are never identical.  To suppose that individuality would become a blurred unrecognizable sameness in the new creation is an insult to the Creator of snow flakes and stars.  Because of this we will know each other and will be known by each other. The Christian relationships that we had before our deaths will be resumed after our resurrection.  The resurrected Christ picked up where He had left off with the disciples (John 20, Acts 1:4-8.)  We shall know each other!  Our memories and relationship will not all be forgotten.  On the Mount of Transfiguration the disciples knew Moses and Elijah.  In our glorified future, in the new heaven and new earth, we will not only pick up old friendships and relationships, we will make many new ones with those who had gone before in aeons past.