We are people pursuing truth.  We pursue truth not as though we have not found it, but we pursue truth to follow it to the conclusions to which it leads us.  Truth matters.  All truth, including scientific, is derived from God.  We need not fear any truth, from simple scientific truth to complex quantum physics, from simple doctrine to profound theology; it is God’s truth.  The church neglects doctrine to its own demise.  The creeds were meant to teach. In the ideal congregation the pastor is a resident theologian educating believers in the grand and existing truths of Christianity.  When ignorance is exalted and truth is neglected, empty phrases, half-truths and heresies will fill the void.  Worship services should educate by being saturated with Scripture reading and preaching that carefully and accurately expounds biblical truth.  

“He will not stop until the earth is as full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea” (Isa 11:9).

You are reading from  “Build On The Rock”, by H. Lamar Smith.