Over 200 women accuse an athletic doctor of sexual molestation. Others have come forward to accuse a politician, a movie star, a preacher, a friend or a relative of violating them in one way or another. Why the silence for decades? It is oppressive shame, self-blame and paralyzing fear! Those who have not had the misfortune of this kind of abuse can’t understand, but those who have understand it full well. When one comes forward it gives courage to the rest. Rather than judging them for their delay, why don’t we pray for them to heal? Shame is a heavy burden to bear. Christ died naked and in shame to break its chains. (He “endured the cross, despising the shame.” Hebrews 12:2b NASB)
Lord, have mercy on all victims of sexual abuse and those of us who judge or blame them. Bring them to a place of healing and wholeness. In the Name of our shamed Christ, Amen!