Which is greater?  (1) The God who predetermines/foreordains all things (all of our choices, all of our actions, and all consequences).  OR  (2) The God who gives us real choices, and still makes ALL THINGS,  (All of my good and bad choices, all of everyone else’s good and bad choices that impact my life, every earthquake and storm that hits me, every accident, every illness, every windfall that could destroy me, etc.  ALL THINGS!) work for His purposes.  I believe it is the second, for it takes a Creative Creator.  God does not sit in His skybox calling all the plays, controlling what every player does.  If the second is right, He is on the field with us, showing His love to us and through us, always with us, constantly seeing that His sovereign purpose of shaping us like His crucified Son in a crazy world where all choices and circumstances are hitting us hard on every side.  Yet through it all, He is still working His grand purpose.  He holds sway over outcomes for His loving children.  Hallelujah!  That is a greater God!  That is my Matchless Maker.  That is my Sovereign King!  That is my bruised and Muddy Companion!  He Weeps with me!   He instructs me in cruciform living.  He empowers.  He is the God of the cross and the Master of Resurrection.  I have met this God in Jesus of Nazareth.  He knows how to handle crosses.  Oh pilgrim, there is joy and hope in a God like that!

“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NRSV)

From “Growing Toward Maturity”, by H. Lamar Smith.