God does not need our protection.  We do not need to go and defend His name or honor by attacking people.  He Himself did not call for aid at the crime of the cross.  We tend to see the blasphemous ways that others live and are blind to our own.  We deny more than we think we do by our way of living than we do by our words.  If you really want to defend God then do it by living a life of holy-love.  This will win others over way quicker than your clenched fist and pointed finger.  The human heart has a hunger to see love and goodness, holiness and light.  Do that.  Be that.  You will more likely win unbelievers to Your Father when they see you are truly His child by your actions.  

Father, You have placed us here as Your image bearers.  May we not fail to show to others Your likeness by the way we live.  Amen! 

From “Growing Toward Maturity”, by H. Lamar Smith.