When we do not intentionally follow Jesus we become idol makers.  We do not intend to be, but we often fall into it quite unintentionally.  We have this propensity to let stuff edge into our lives that edge the Lord out, or at least to one side.  It happens, not because we intend it, but because our busy lives allow the bad to come push out the good; we do not even know it until we stop, evaluate and look at where we really are in our personal lives.  We look, to our horror, and see something sitting in the Lord’s place.  

Father, may our worship of You be so deep, so real, so genuine that there is no room for an idol to creep in.  May our love for You be so strong that lesser loves are driven out.  Amen!

From “Growing Toward Maturity”, by H. Lamar Smith.

On Being A Christ Follower,