In following Jesus, three things have to come together as one.  “What we know”, “Who we are”, and “What we do.”  When these things do not come together in human personality we become fractured and move away from personal wholeness.  Being a disciple of a rabbi meant that the disciple was expected to learn and know and remember the teachings of the rabbi.  The teaching of our Rabbi is meant to change “who we are”, and move us to action.   The evidence of that heart change will be “what we do”.  A recent sermon reminded me that these three things can be expressed as head, heart and hand.  The INFORMATION of the gospel is meant to become personal TRANSFORMATION; this is to be lived out as DEMONSTRATION of the presence of Christ in our lives.

“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” (John 14:15)

From “Growing Toward Maturity”, by H. Lamar Smith.