You and I have a spirit.  It is who we are; it is our inner self, it is our heart.  It is the fountain source of who we are and are becoming.  Our spirit is often felt and readable to others.  Stressed. Hurried. Angry. Hostile. Resentful. Open. Loving.  Caring. Hospitable. Gentle. Kind.  My spirit is to become like the Spirit of Christ. “Let this attitude be in you which was in Christ Jesus”.  The Spirit of Christ is imparted to believers, by this we are born of God.  We are to allow the Holy Spirit to reshape our misshaped selves.  Our spirit is to be nourished, transformed and sustained by the very Spirit of God.  Keep and cultivate this intimate connection.  

So Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said* to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit”. (John 20:21-22)