The mountain top is where we want to be.  The valley may be where God really meets us. We prefer ecstasy over sorrow; we prefer calm over storms.  We prefer ease over toil and pleasure over pain.  We don’t always get our preferences.  What you are going through now you likely did not ask for it.  It may be about to swamp your little boat.  Stretching our muscles strengthens them.  Drought makes our roots go deeper. The storm we thought would undo us may drive us to a safe harbor.  Remember, the clouds may look like they are going to drown us, but the rain may end up sustaining our lives. In all of these things, God wants to meet us.

Lord we often look for you in the wrong places and find you in places we did not look.  Save us from our false expectations and bring us Yourself in all the places where we find ourselves.  Amen.