Life was not fair to Joseph: a pit, a bloody multi-colored coat, Potiphar’s wife’s false sexual allegations, and an unjust imprisonment.  Life was not fair to Paul and the other apostles.  It was not fair to Jesus either.  Sooner or later most folks experience some kind of injustice or undeserved injury. We can allow these things to trip us up, or, we can move on from them with new growth. Your troubles may even open ministry opportunities to help someone else.  In the case of Joseph, wrongful enslavement was used to save the lives of others. “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” (Genesis 50:20 NASB).  God meant it for good does not mean that God designed the evil plot; what it does mean is that God means to turn all unjust experiences into something that builds character in us and helps someone else.