It is easy to reduce Christianity to believing the right things in order to get to the Father’s house.  Jesus’ teachings tell us how to live in the world now; these teachings join belief and practice.  We follow the One who is Lord through paths in the middle of our daily struggles. To follow Him is not an abstract mental practice; it is a rugged climb where we help fellow strugglers, share their loads, and are helped along ourselves.  When Jesus said, “I am the way…no one comes to the Father except through me”, He is talking about practice and not mere belief.  We will convert no one by our in-the-face words that “Jesus is the only way”; we win folks when we are so one with Him that we walk and love like He walked and love.  When we practice His teachings as a way of life, and when we walk that road, we will look around to see someone following us to the Father’s house.