Jesus ascended back to the Father with the physical scars we gave Him: hands, feet, and side.  The physical scars we bear, as painful as they are, are nothing like the scars on our emotions, heart and mind.  These invisible scars we carry with us throughout our lives and to our grave.  Does the heart of our Lord carry these invisible scars?  Yes!  We can grieve the Spirit of Christ.  Did not the betrayals, the denials, the rejection, the false witnesses, the forsaking of friends, cut the soul of our Lord to the core!  Did not they leave Him brokenhearted? Did not His heart bleed? Did it not drive His tears? I can tell you, His pain was more than physical; it was spiritual, it was hot acid dashed on His soul.  So, if you bear inner scars, come to the Lord; He knows, He cares, and He restores. With Jesus, you can build a holy life on top of your scars.  

“How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!” Luke 13:34b (NIV)