The God revealed in Jesus of Nazareth does not ask us to do anything He has not already done.  There is no sacrifice you make that He has not made. He who said, “Take up your cross” already took up His.  He went the second mile.  He turned the other cheek.  He loved His enemies.  He forgave those who mistreated Him.  How about the Golden Rule?  “As you would that others do unto you, do also to them.”  Well, He does that too!  He does not force Himself on us.  That is contrary to His nature of love.  He gives us space and time.  He is the Gentleman who always gives us respect and love.  The Holy Trinity lives in a community of self-giving love.  The way God, as Trinity, behaves with God is the way we are to behave with each other.

You are reading from  “Build On The Rock”, by H. Lamar Smith.