Bullies bluff their way through life; the only God who is rode a donkey into the jaws of a cross and won by love. 

Bullies adore raw power; the only God who is accepts the weakness of the cross.

Bullies win by sacrificing others; the only God who is wins by sacrificing Himself.

Bullies use the people who gather around them; the only God who is serves them and washes their feet.

Bullies are proud, arrogant and centered on themselves; the only God who is perfectly embodies humility.

Bullies want to be known; the only God who is came incognito, often unrecognized.

Bullies want to exterminate their enemies; the only God who is wants to love them into His family.

Bullies love only themselves; the only God who is loves all people.

Bullies live and work against the grain of the universe; the only God who is, is the grain of the universe. Follow Him!

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 (NASB)