Experiences can often change us in profound ways. A trip to the Holy Land! A near-death experience! A tragedy! A loss! A divorce! A windfall! These, and other significant events may uproot us and replant us. Persons who have traveled into space and looked back to see the earth and the 360 degrees of the cosmos all around them have had something happen to them that forever makes them different; though I am sure a few folks could have the experience and it mean no more to them than a trip to Disney World or to a souped-up fourth of July celebration. We are meant to experience the eternal God; this cannot happen to us consciously every minute or we would be so constantly overwhelmed that we could not carry out our assigned tasks. The experience of God, as revealed in the person of His Messiah and our Lord are meant to equip us so that daily living becomes daily ministry. We need to see Light in order to reflect light; we need to be gripped with His Love so that we can embrace those around us with what has embraced us.