Human nature can be strange.  A person can be irritated or angry about one person or situation and transfer it to another person or situation; sometimes this is subconscious.  We live in a time of lots of angry people; we see it everywhere.  The Christian is to examine herself or himself and ask, “What am I really angry about?”  “Why am I hurting my good name and my Christian witness by my anger?”  “Do I let the sun go down on my anger and thus give the devil a foothold in my life (Ephesians 4:26-27)?  Is the Spirit’s fruit of self-control ruling my emotional life?  Know that, “The anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God” (James 1:20).  It does little or nothing to advance Jesus’ cause in the world.

Lord, restore the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.  Enable us by grace and discipline to turn away from wrongful anger.  May we know that our anger does little to advance your kingdom and rule among humankind.  In the name of the Prince of Peace we pray.  Amen.