Priscilla and Aquila were Christian Jews who had been exiled from Rome (Acts 18:2).  Paul joined them in their tent making business (18:3).  They were fellow workers who traveled with Paul and risked their lives for him (Romans 16:3).  They hosted a house church in their home (I Corinthians 16:19).  They were disciples who discipled others, including the eloquent Apollos.  It is significant that when their names are mentioned, Priscilla is most often mentioned first demonstrating women’s prominence in the early church.  This couple was a pillar, a necessary core in the NT church.  Churches die when they have no core persons, female and male, who take discipleship and the mission seriously.  Churches thrive when they do have such salt-of-the-earth core believers.

You are reading “The Master’s Table”, by H. Lamar Smith.