Hope And Confidence

“The LORD is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?  When evil people come to devour me, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumble and fall. Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident.”  Psalm 27:1-3 (NLT)

It is hard to maintain confidence when under attack.  It is hard to find hope in the face of rejection.  Terror at the arrows of the enemy is as deadly as being hit by one.  It is easy to cave before psychological war.  We must not.  Oh Lord, You are my fortress, may I not tremble at all the things that circumstances and people may hurl against me.  I look to You and not to them.  My hope is in You when the foundations are shaken.  Amen!