To be a Christian, I believe, is to be a mystic. Christians are mystics in a couple of ways. One, we believe that we as humans, in this earthly realm, can encounter God in the heavenly realm. We believe that He has come near to us to reveal Himself to us by His Son. It is very mystical to even believe that God can live in us by His Spirit. Secondly, this relationship that we as finite beings have with the infinite Creator of the universe has so many components that we can’t understand, but none-the-less are very real. We know and believe that He is at work in us in ways we cannot detect, yet, of which, we are very sure. Angels ministered to Jesus (Mark 1:13), let Peter out of jail (Acts 12), got Peter and Cornelius together (Acts 10) and can even “set up camp around” those who belong to the Lord (Psalm 34:7). There are unfounded superstitions and there is real mysticism; don’t confuse the two. He has ministering angels, but His ministering Spirit is more mystical than all. We worship only the Lord, but also know that the forces of heaven are real, active, and present. The mystical ways He works in our lives are beyond explanation; we cannot always answer the where, the when, the why, or the how. But none of that takes away from His real presence and activity in our lives.