We still live and die for the kingdoms of men. We fight to sustain or defeat rulers. We get caught up in it. Jesus kingdom supporters did not take up arms in defense of their Messiah. The sort of kingdoms that originate with men are often built and sustained by carnal means. Jesus was born and came down to set up something entirely different, a kingdom that did not spring up from the earth but was brought down from heaven. A kingdom built by humble service and not by domination.
“My kingdom isn’t the sort that grows in this world,” replied Jesus. “If my kingdom were from this world, my supporters would have fought to stop me being handed over to the Judaeans. So, then, my kingdom is not the sort that comes from here. “So!” said Pilate. “You are a king, are you?… “I was born for this; I’ve come into the world for this” (John 18:36-37 “Kingdom New Testament”).
From “Growing Toward Maturity”, by H. Lamar Smith.