Jesus began His ministry with a radical announcement, as did John the Baptizer, “Repent for the Kingdom of God has arrived.” Perhaps a couple of paraphrases would help a little to hear this message. “Turn your life around, the Government of God has come.” or “Change your thinking, God is King and He has begun His reign.” The rule of God is here and the whole world is the realm of it. This is worldview changing. This is subversive. This will get you killed by the governments of men and the kings of earth. It announces another order, a new reality. This requires repentance, changing our thinking about everything in regard to rule and governance. Repentance means that we change our mind and live our life differently every day because IT is here. Have we yet begun to live this repentance? Has it changed our mind about every issue of the day?
Jesus King, Lord of All, in mercy, forgive us, please be gracefully patient with us, that we may think about Your rule among humankind until it changes us, until we are truly realigned with it. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done in me, as it is done in heaven. Amen!
From “Growing Toward Maturity”, by H. Lamar Smith.