The Isaiah Fast (Day 2)
Add deeds of kindness and compassion to humility. The word
Add deeds of kindness and compassion to humility. The word
Ash Wednesday Consider with me a different kind of fasting
All ways of living are not equal, no matter how
Our spiritual formation is never finished. Our sanctification, which starts
Mary embraced the will of God. Submission to the will
Mary embraced Mystery. All the things that were said about
Surrender that has no practical outcome is not surrender. There
Life has a way through unexpected events and unfolding relationships
This gap can be brought on by a lack of
We as Christians often speak of a surrendered will. We
Early in my life I came to think that conversion
Jesus suggested the necessity of losing our lives for His
Abraham was not great before his call; he became great
Do not think you can know the will of God
The heaviest burden we have to bear is our own