Be Like Jesus
So you want to be like Jesus! It is more
So you want to be like Jesus! It is more
If the Bible is not upsetting your opinions, you may
There is a surrender that leaves some battles to the
If the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Messiah, then
Simon the magician became a believer and was baptized. He
The transfigured Jesus was a powerful witness for those who
Stephen proclaimed Jesus as the completion of Israel’s story. He
Power tends to dissipate. It must be renewed. A branch
Jesus’ reception of the Holy Spirit at His baptism marked
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of our Lord Jesus
The Church had its grand opening at Pentecost. Its opening
The Book teaches, if we will listen! The Spirit guides,
The God of the Bible is a God who comes
The disciples wanted to call down fire from heaven on
It is not as easy as we think to avoid