One Church
Why did Paul not “pull out and start a new
Why did Paul not “pull out and start a new
Those of us who may have compulsive tendencies have to
Don’t get down on the church: She is Christ’s Bride.
The Spirit of God is moving today. Those who are
As surely as we can quench the Spirit (I Thessalonians
Atonement theories that stop with the cross rob the atonement
There is something God-like in all of us when we
Father, we often pray for You to fill us with
God reaches out to man to draw man to Himself
The Spirit goes into all kinds of areas where He
Confession of sin should lead to repentance (turning around) and
“God is love” (1 John 4:8, 16). It is His
There is no personal holiness without the Holy Spirit. Jesus
Watch how you are being formed. The way you allow
God can make a way through the sea without building