The Upward Pull
We came into the world that was fallen, being pulled
We came into the world that was fallen, being pulled
We often quote Jesus words, “I am the Way,
The Passover was a festival that celebrated deliverance from
Turning our lives over to Jesus is a heavy transaction.
In Hebrew and Greek the words for “wind, breath and
Following Jesus’ baptism He entered His ministry in the power
Our connection to brothers and sisters in Christ is used
We must not make the filling of the Spirit merely
The Spirit in us points to Jesus. Both Simeon and
The energy that created and maintains creation is a witness
There is power in the Christ of the cross to
Prayer is devoting time to the completion of our own
It is not easy to feel all alone. We have
I wish I had learned more humility earlier. I am
“Come close to God, and God will come close to