Call it Temptation
The Tempter does not want you to know that it
The Tempter does not want you to know that it
“As he passed by, he saw a man blind from
“Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. However,
This gap can be brought on by a lack of
Grace is not permission to sin. Grace is a helping
Following Jesus is about living a life that is as
The high priest was chosen from among humankind to make
3) You are to treat people as if they were
God is bringing about the reconciliation of the world to
As you look back at the cross, you see that
Jesus ate with sinners because love eats with sinners. Self-righteousness
We do not know ourselves nearly as well as we
Sin blinds to truth. It will cause us to rationalize
It was hoped that the Messiah was to be a
A prophet is one that speaks forth God’s word. He