On Assignment
“I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished
“I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished
The gospel song said, “I can’t wait to leave this
“Present your members as instruments and slaves of righteousness” Romans
”Let your light shine before men in such a way
Jesus taught that service was the true measure of greatness.
The death and resurrection of Christ puts a life burden
Who am I that the King of Glory would come
We like the Christ with us whom we can stir
We must give up our quest for power and surrender
The Risen Christ does not merely come to us to
Thank God for your job this Labor Day. Thank Him
There is a kind of service, which one may think
Miserable people are not available to serve other people or
Christian freedom being lost by a return to bondage is
God wants to do something through you today. He wants