The God Who Listens
Are you living with hidden pain? Unnamed anxiety? Lonely desperation?
Are you living with hidden pain? Unnamed anxiety? Lonely desperation?
Prayers are hampered if you are holding a grudge against
To forgive another is itself a prayer to be forgiven.
The God of the universe makes himself known. Without this,
We do not know how to pray as we ought
If you have nothing to confess, it is because you
Having Jesus is the boat with you is no guarantee
Some say that if you pray for patience you are
We must not make the filling of the Spirit merely
Before Pentecost, “They all gave themselves single-heartedly to prayer, with
“Why does God not answer my prayers?” we ask. Read
Israel was forbidden to worship in the manner of their
It is as difficult to work on ourselves as to
“Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble;
Lord, grant that my devotions not be an end within