The Promise of the Isaiah Fast (Day 21)
When we practice the Isaiah Fast (Isaiah 58:5-7) there is
When we practice the Isaiah Fast (Isaiah 58:5-7) there is
Letting go is a higher form of forgiveness; it is
God draws us so that we might come near to
The law saw sin as something that needed to be
“The Word…came from the Father, full of grace and truth…
Mary embraced Mystery. All the things that were said about
“What more was there to do for my vineyard, that
Righteousness Is living right as God defines right. Righteousness is
God does not force people to obey his own laws.
In the hymn, “Come Thou Fount” there is a phrase
The sons and daughters of God are not spared from
“Focus first on the kingdom of God and righteousness and
I was sinking in sin to its outcome of death.
God is bringing about the reconciliation of the world to
Preachers sometimes preach in their sleep. Jesus’ spirit preached to