The Promise of the Isaiah Fast (Day 21)
When we practice the Isaiah Fast (Isaiah 58:5-7) there is
When we practice the Isaiah Fast (Isaiah 58:5-7) there is
God does not need our protection. We do not need
God is love. God is Spirit. To have the Spirit
How did Jesus get through rejection, mockery, betrayal, and all
Life always has a cross in it. I believe in
“The Word…came from the Father, full of grace and truth…
The creedal statement “Jesus is Lord!’ means that Jesus is
The gospel of Jesus Christ advances by witness and persuasion.
Theologically we seek to balance the immanence and transcendence of
Experiences can often change us in profound ways. A trip
The Tempter does not want you to know that it
All the energy that flows through and sustains the universe
We may all be sitting at the same table but
We all sail on an ocean of Love. It is
Simon the magician said, “Give me this power also, so