Rejected Saviors
Joseph’s coat of many colors was a badge of honor
Joseph’s coat of many colors was a badge of honor
Joseph was the beloved son of Jacob’s cherished wife, Rachel.
Suffering is not easy. It does help if we learn
In real time, wilderness words sounded like these: “The food
It is possible for children to be abused by luxury,
Paul, in one of his prayers, speaks of the “God
Jesus went into the wilderness to be tempted and tested
The Kingdom of God is not about taking but giving.
Jesus let the nails hold Him to the cross. He
He received us by grace on the cross and opened
The God who is great became little. The One who
The rebel’s cross. The Redeemer’s cross. The redeemed’s cross. Two
We would like to be with Jesus on the Sea
The mission of the Messiah is the conquest of the
There are many benefits to self-denial. Most wealth is built