Desire For Power
Sadly, the desire for power and control rears its ugly
Sadly, the desire for power and control rears its ugly
The earth, air and waters of our world have become
In ancient times, a king who extended his kingdom
I bless You, O Heavenly Father! Who am I to
Thinking that leads away from truth leads toward captivity. Actions
Does your joy have glory in it? Is there something
Promptings of The Spirit (2) In our relationships: When we are
Before the ascension, the disciples were ready for Jesus to
Live a life that is bigger than yourself. Take on
Christians are members of one new nation, no matter their
Paul said that we were to be “slaves of righteousness”.
Palm Sunday was the day that Jesus publicly presented himself
Jesus did teach His disciples to pray. He gave
Every where we look, society is driven by greed, grabbing
God has called us out and enlisted us in His