Hearing god Or Hearing God
Humankind have a way of hearing a god who is
Humankind have a way of hearing a god who is
The kingdom is here and it will come. When
We have come to think that Christ is the last
God is so sovereign that He gives us freedom to
Our God is a speaking God. “He made known his
God was reestablishing His Kingship through His only begotten Son.
Paul said, “Pray also for me, that whenever I open
Let me tell you about my Father. He is the
A detachment of Roman soldiers, along with Jewish police (John
The Sons of Thunder, James and John, wanted to call
“Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”, i.e.,
Our problem is that we have divorced the gospel from
“The one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and
Most of us think we need to do something great
Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom of God is directing us